Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Christmas gifts given
Here are the three graces and their quilts... I couldn't have bribed them to give me better reactions... The youngest patted it on her lap and squealed, "Mine!"
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve joys
Our 31-person extravaganza has begun and will continue over the next 4 days.
After j and I finished putting all the bows on our boxes last night, I looked at the 3 mountains of presents, and I realized why I'd been feeling stressed over the past few weeks... Knowing just how many of those boxes were filled with handmade gifts... Wow. And the stress lifted. (it also helped that at the last possible moment I found a gift for the kids that I'd lost for over 2 months!)
Today we are at my parents home for the Christmas Eve extravaganza... This year, Mimi insisted on a nativity play that we all must star in, complete with costumes, skripps, and stage dreshins. Daddy is Jhosif and I am Marry, according to our skripps. Z is the innkeeper.
Z has been very very sick all week and yesterday he made a miraculous comeback in time for our plans to continue. Quite a scary week, but this morning he was back to his wild abstract humor that had us in stitches...
- he started the morning by praying over our food, exclaiming "happy birthday Jesus!"
- we were discussing what kind of fish might be good for a family pet... A goldfish? a Betta fish? Z pipes in: "I WANT A MINI LOBSTER!"
- then he found an old Bible he'd never seen before... "mom, there's a Bible here and it doesn't belong to anyone here! (who then?) well, it says it belongs to BONDED LEATH-HER!"
And with that I wish you our very merry Christmas... Much love to you all!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sewing for Christmas
Christmas. Here's another quilt for a beloved kiddo in my life. I've wanted to photograph it outside, but other than the art show I haven't been outside in days. It's been pouring nonstop rain for 3 days and we have 3 to go... LA is not built for rain... And the two big kids have fevers. Oh what fun!
Back to sewing... Happy crafting to you. (and wishes for your good health!)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Art arrives finally
Today I kept some sick kids home and in the house all day and we waited for that fedex truck...
When it came, I gave the kids a mini show and asked z to text daddy that everything had arrived.... Here they are pretending to be in the collages...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
What it looks like here
I've also been told by my ever patient husband that he thinks between these, the art show (this Friday!), and my not-so-regular life... That I may have bitten off more than I should have this holiday. Maybe...
The hard part is that I am having fun with these, but misplacing important things and showing up to parties at the wrong time. My head is clearly a little overcharged. (oh, and that whole midnight feeding thing doesn't help either). I literally drive the minivan around making sure I've got tabs on where all the kids are... "am I forgetting anyone?"
Would you believe that I have about 4-5 Christmas related projects that I wish I still had time for? Not going to get to them in 2010...
Tomorrow is a craft night here for the local mamas. That should be fun... But it also involves clearing off the dining room table... Better get back to it....
Friday, December 3, 2010
Prints for the show
I am just posting this to inform you there will be no more entries here on foster care or the child we had in our care the past few months.
I'm sad about this, but it has to be done.
If you are a personal friend or a reader I have "known" for a while, feel free to email me and I can put you on my update list. I know many of you are vested in this emotionally, but I have reason to believe I should not post any more updates or images here.
Thanks all!!!!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Gifts of Gold and Silver
So here's my gift of gold/silver to you...
All December long... If you order either a mama skirt or a spinny skirt, you get a free sterling charm - personalized with a word of your choice.
Just mention your word in the comments section in checkout.
This works for my etsy site or my website.
And if you'd prefer a discount instead, just plug in BABYITSCOLD in as a discount code for 15% off.
Either one, it's your choice.
Silver or gold.
Thanks for being my awesome friends, readers, customers and generally great folks to write to.
Thanksgiving Round 2
J was beyond impressed. (that was the goal...) and he took this pic to celebrate.
I'll post images of my new collages. The show is Dec 17 and I've spent the past few weeks working my fingers off and exhausting myself trying to finish 10 collages for the show. They are done now, but in the process, Black Friday and Cyber Monday passed me by!
Oy vey.
Will post more about last minute holiday special in a sec.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
We spend Thanksgiving in Malibu with family every year, ending the day with a walk to the beach and sledding down the sand dunes. Here are some fun pics from last year (which was a lot warmer than today is going to be)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Three Graces Quilts finished
Once I finish my collage artwork for the upcoming show (deadline is Thanksgiving), I'll be able to dedicate more time to the sewing. In the meantime, I'm happy with how these came out.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Owl Make my Own
I rarely get time to actually read blogs these days with the kids, the baby, sewing up a boatload of Christmas gifts and working like crazy to get 10 collages done for my upcoming art show, but I did get a few minutes the other day. And I found this adorable application where you get to make your own owl calendar. Very clever art, clever programming and a fun gift idea.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Ani's flower
I'm gonna help Ani set up her own store on etsy. Will keep you posted. In the meantime, if you want to order this necklace, send me an email... And since I'm packing these for her, I'll include a free gift from me for every purchase from her store.
Monday, November 15, 2010
I have the coolest friends - Project Ani
This new season for Ani hasn't been easy. After being laid off recently, she's been doing everything she can to make ends meet for her and her energetic little man, having garage sales - scraping pennies together.
What I haven't mentioned yet, though is how creative and artistic Ani is. She's really a creative genius. So when life hands her lemons, she's making some beautiful lemonade. I gave her some supplies, she added to them from her collection of vintage brooches, lace and other items and voila! BEAUTY.
Today I've listed 4 of her jewelry pieces in my etsy store to sell for her to put food on the table.
(One sold before I even got to post this!)
I hope that as you shop for the holidays, you'll consider shopping in Ani's section of my store. It will be a blessing to more than just the giver and the recipient.
Sale soon?
The Backyard sales have really been fun! But I didn't schedule one this year... So here's my question... If I had one, would you come?
(for those of you readers in Los Angeles!)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Anyhow, the pumpkins were pretty simple to make... And they're such a happy use of some favorite fabrics around here. And it's fun to use them to decorate for my favorite holiday...
Friday, November 12, 2010
Growing into her own creative shoes
Tonight's project is a book bag for her (lucky!) teacher. We used some of my special stash and made a gorgeous bag with AnnaMaria Horner's Good Folks laminated cotton as the exterior and we lined it with some great orange floral and gave it purple straps - per Mimi's design taste.
It's going to be the kind of bag any adult would use proudly with just a few stitching wobbles as proof that she really did make it herself, though I'm sure no one will believe her.
Good thing we've got proof in photos.
With all these boys around here, I love having a blond little mini-me to create with. And even when I'm wasted tired - almost too tired to stand... I'll drop everything to chase a creative bee in her bonnet...
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Fall History Lesson
I have to say I nearly began crying when I heard this. I also felt so honored to be a part of this special place in LA, an important location in history and the re-integration of our neighborhood... We've had elderly neighbors actually tell us "welcome back" to the neighborhood.
When Z and I got to enter the church to see the inside, we were rewarded with the most lovely views. It was a beautiful moment.
What I love to share is that the inside, history and heart of this church around the corner from my home is as lovely as the architecture.
You just don't picture Los Angeles in this light very often from the outside, you know?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Pumpkin Scones
Tonight we get a double batch, half will get frozen for future fall happiness.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
10 years in
J, I love you. You are still my hero, now more than ever. You are an amazing husband and father and the best friend and sweetheart a girl could ask for. Thank you for the past ten years... Ten years is simply not enough time with you.
New collages
I've been invited to have another art show in North Hollywood. (yay!) This time, I will be doing a themed show (solo) based on the Christmas story and will even be able to sell my big prints. (if you're local... It's Dec 17 and 19)
These two collages happened for me the other night and are going to be part of the show.
The second one is kind of spun off of the idea of what role an olive branch would have played in the Nativity. I imagined Mary's viewpoint, looking out over the edge of town from the stable, tired from the long journey, but amazed at what was still to come. The olive tree is just a periphery bystander, but it's presence harkens back to the olive branch of mercy and hope after another long journey that God offered to Noah. Olive trees being everywhere in Israel, it's not too much of a stretch to imagine one stretching it's branches into Mary's line of sight as she pondered all she had been through and all yet to be.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Spare Change Quilt
I also want to keep it, but that would be ridiculous, considering how many quilts we have around here now. Two of them were in my recent art show and I have yet to get them back, but more on that another day....
This one is getting gifted to a friend who would never in a million years expect a quilt from me. I've known her a few years, but we aren't so close that she would ever expect this. I think that's what makes me excited to give it. It's a truly extravagant gift- with no occasion. :) Those are the best kind.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Nest necklaces
I also have been itching to make this tourmaline tree for a while too. It was inspired by something Mimi and I saw in a catalog a while ago... It took a few hours to make, but it sure is rewarding...
Considering making a few extra nests for the holiday seasons boutiques and upcoming shows. I think they will make nice gifts this season.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Friday night sewing lessons
Her mom took one look and said, "you're gonna have a bunch of sixth grade girls begging to come over now"
I can think of worse problems, especially if they're half as cute as Tati.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Spinach Salad
(these are the givens)
cherry or grape tomatoes (halved)
craisins (we like the orange flavored type)
almond slivers or pine nuts
dressing - I use the Italian salad dressing that you mix yourself - only I use balsamic vinegar
these are the optional additions that we also love in it, I wouldn't add them ALL at once, but they are great additions:
cooked orzo
goat cheese crumbles
canneloni beans (rinsed)
strawberries or blueberries
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
A true bee quilt from the Bee Happy gals
In different seasons of my life, there have been different small groups of women that have inspired me creatively and pushed me further and further. Bee Happy is that current group... And I have the Los Angeles Modern Quilt Guild (much larger and insanely inspiring as well!) to thank for that.
Who do you have that keeps you inspired and trying new things?