
Monday, April 7, 2008

Am I man enough?

Since I was a little kid, I have loved Pocky sticks

(among many other Japanese treats!)

... I grew up in a neighborhood where I was a
minority, so I had quite the exposure.
Anyhow, I recently saw these and laughed out loud.

Why on earth do only men get the dark chocolate?
I originally bought a pack for J, but ate most of them...

This one I am eating in secret. (well, not anymore)

Miss M's other shirt

With a three year old as the senior designer on this project, it was a
new experience, but we had a lot of fun making it together.
(well, she thought she was the senior designer... the actual hands often get the last say... though the button choices were all hers)
I have to say I'm quite proud of us as we both lean over of to take photos with our camera phones ...
Hers only shows up on the screen as Minnie Mouse,
while mine goes to the world wide web.

New sling patterns... In today!



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