Million Trees LA is an organization that counts the tree canopy in Los Angeles, and a recent survey noted that LA has well below the national average of tree canopy (no joke, no wonder it's not so pretty!) We've been doing our part around here at the house, we've planted 4 trees in 2009 already - and today's new tree is tree #5. I love trees. Always have.
And today's happy new member came with lots of family fun.
It was a surprise that the guys came with the tree to plant it, and since the kids and I were home, it was really a serendipitous event. Z got to help dig the hole and we watched as they planted our pretty new friend.
Our street is nice, but I've heard in the past that it had a nice canopy of trees that have since died. It's nice to at least do our part to help them come back.
(We got our other trees from J's new favorite site, Fast Growing Trees.)