
Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Mad Props for my friend

Okay, so it isn't enough that she's an incredible stationery designer... Tori Higa is a great artist (she's done some great work for us!), a mommy, a friend, and now a published author!

Hooray for my design buddy - I've watched her work through getting this book made, been with her while she schmoozed with candidates for her book at trade shows (she's not really a schmoozer, but we did meet some of them in person...) and I am so proud to see that this book is available for pre-order. (I'm so the first in line...)

Tori Higa...
I'm your biggest fan!


Ally Zabba...
possibly some of the snuggliest blankies you can get... these things are my baby gift of choice these days. Check out their thoughtful gift baskets and their cute website...

What's really fun is a new contest that our friends over at are doing. They've got videos of their adorable munchkin saying babytalk and are asking contestants to venture a guess as to what she's saying.
My personal favorite, however are Little Zabba's hot dance moves.
I'm serious, they've already got the cutest blankets around, who would think that the blankies led to serious coordination?
My guy is close to the same age and can't hold a candle to her moves.

They've got tons of prizes, so see if you can win. You might even get something from yours truly!



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