Well, you saw the bag. Now you get to see the awesome pics that my guild pal, Nichole, took of the Design Director showing off her work. (THANKS, NICHOLE!)

Here she is saying, "This one I designed but I didn't sew it, because I was only 4"

"This quilt I did everything except for the owl and the binding. My mom helped me with those"

"Here is my bag. I did everything on it except I didn't do the snap or the button on the pocket and my mom attached the ribbon to the straps for me before I sewed them on"
Everyone was freaking out. She was pretty cute, even if she was my own kid. That little 6 year old got up in front of everyone and said exactly what she wanted to say in front of 60 adult strangers. Talk about proud moments. I was so high on that kid that night. She rocked it.
Then after the meeting she showed me the fabrics she wanted to make a dress out of and asked for a lollipop.
Yay! She's so fearless.
that was so awesome! i told my oldest (3 years old) about it the next day, and said how it made me happy, because when she's just a little older, she can sew! she broke out in tears and said, "but i want to make a quilt NOW!" LOL
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