
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blogging from the car

Back to life. Holidays over. I think I write here every year about January being my favorite month. December is so full that I neglect to plan anything in January - and I learned from my years in Chicago that January was the perfect month to settle down with a project or some form of art... I look forward to it and savor the unplanned days and nights.
This year, I have 3 kids and 3 extremely busy little calendars to juggle - so getting back to regular life isn't so peaceful and quiet, but even my normal taxi mom schedule is a welcome change this week.. It involves moments here and there by myself in the car...
Last night I attended the January meeting of the LAMQG, and once again was inspired by the amazingly creative women and men there. (the men we have in our group are insanely talented artists!)
And I got to come home with fabric! The entire guild was given a charm pack (courtesy of the extremely generous folks at Robert Kaufman) and offered a "Solids Challenge" - to bring back a finished quilt in March made with these fabrics and 1 other solid...
In addition, I won another giveaway... I never win anything and I've now won twice at our meetings... (what?) ...and took home this sweet pack of vintage fabrics donated by Jenny Ryan... You know I love me some vintage fabrics!
I also got to talking with some new pals from my new bee (Seams Perfect)... And Jenn was mentioning quilting in the car, carpool mommy style ... I was inspired and brought my long term yoyo project along for the ride today. But first, blogging...

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