
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas gifts given

Christmas is over... 10 quilts were given, only one unfinished, given and then brought back home to work on...
Here are the three graces and their quilts... I couldn't have bribed them to give me better reactions... The youngest patted it on her lap and squealed, "Mine!"


  1. Oh Liberty, that's perfect! It' so nice to see your work appreciated! I'm in AWE of all you got done in time for Christmas! 10 quilts? Wow! Have a Happy New Year and I'll see you in 2011!

  2. Wow... I just fished an unfinished quilt top out of the mess that was my sewing room... now the sewing room is cleaned out and I'm working on finally finishing up that quilt top! I can't imagine having 10 quilts to give away as gifts at Christmas - way to go, busy mama!

  3. Thanks Ladies!
    Latifah- you were a huge help to me with these! I needed help not overthinking the actual quilting, and you helped me a lot!

  4. what a happy post! and way to go, crazy quilt maker! I got your fabric today...can't wait to start on your blocks. I love the idea of a smoggy sky!
