
Monday, May 11, 2009

Momma/Daughter Matching

Did you and your little gal wear matching Libby Dibby on Mother's Day (or recently)?
If you did, send me a pic in an email - or post it on a blog and send me a link... and I'll send you a present!

Here are two sweet samples. (thanks Cat and Jen!)


  1. Thank YOU!

    I'm not sure Audrey realized we were wearing the same skirt. Her's twirled, and in the wind mine was a little more thrilling than usual (it was REALLY windy).

    I gave my friend her skirt for her birthday, she LOVED it. She tried it on and looked fantastic in it!

  2. Hey, Catherine...
    One thing I do on windier days is use "Hollywood Fashion Tape" (glorified double sided tape) to secure the skirt in back.... it's worth a shot - you can buy it at most stores like Bed. Bath, beyond....

  3. I am the friend that Cat got a skirt for and I do LOVE it. Thanks! Now I need more!

  4. We do a lot of "sister" matching with my two girls, but I did just finish matching "bird" skirts for all of us. I haven't been brave enough to venture out with all 3 of us matching yet! :)
