
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jersey dress

J is out of town on business... Which meant a night of irresponsible sewing... My friend, Kellie, and I went out for fabric yesterday and I saw this sparkly brown jersey... (which I've never worked with... And don't want to again!) I was attempting to make a dress that was in "weekend sewing" by Heather Ross... But , despite all my excitement about following patterns lately... The dress was not working and my machine did not appreciate working with elastic thread.. So instead I got this. Jury is still out...but I'm wearing it out today and getting decent feelings about it... the big question comes from Mr. Libby Dibby's opinion when he gets back in town.
Is it good enough for my trip to Italy in 2 weeks?


  1. I still think it looks cute, and comfy I bet too!

  2. hey that looks good! you did that just yesterday?!! amazing! i love that weekend sewing book. i need to get one for myself!

  3. i personally love it! i can see you walking around firenze in it for sure - with gelato in hand. :)

  4. I think it is totally appropriate for Italy - nice and summery. And, don't forget, jersey packs very well in a suitcase... which is a must for European hotel rooms that may not have the iron/iron board amenities we're used to in the states.
