
Sunday, December 12, 2010

What it looks like here

J calmly asked me last night if he could have the dining room table back. It's been covered in THESE for about a month now. And this isn't even all of them... These are most, I think I can count 4 or 5 others that are not pictured here...of what I'm sewing for Christmas.
I've also been told by my ever patient husband that he thinks between these, the art show (this Friday!), and my not-so-regular life... That I may have bitten off more than I should have this holiday. Maybe...
The hard part is that I am having fun with these, but misplacing important things and showing up to parties at the wrong time. My head is clearly a little overcharged. (oh, and that whole midnight feeding thing doesn't help either). I literally drive the minivan around making sure I've got tabs on where all the kids are... "am I forgetting anyone?"
Would you believe that I have about 4-5 Christmas related projects that I wish I still had time for? Not going to get to them in 2010...
Tomorrow is a craft night here for the local mamas. That should be fun... But it also involves clearing off the dining room table... Better get back to it....

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