
Saturday, October 30, 2010

10 years in

This Thursday marked our tenth anniversary. 10 years of marriage. Our conclusion as we've talked is that it's not enough. We've asked God for another 40.
I am married to my best friend. Through everything we've been through, through the insanity of the past ten years, we've always clung together - constantly reminding each other "I'm your biggest fan!"

J, I love you. You are still my hero, now more than ever. You are an amazing husband and father and the best friend and sweetheart a girl could ask for. Thank you for the past ten years... Ten years is simply not enough time with you.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats you guys. I still remember your wedding like it was yesterday - the setting was stunning, your walk down the aisle was haunting, the presence of the Holy Spirit was thick, and everything was glorifying to God. So honored to have been a part of it.
