
Monday, September 27, 2010

Stuff I'm working on

I've got about 7-8 quilts I'm working on right now. I won't go into much about these shown, except to tell you that if you check out my flickr feed you can read more about them. Two of them are from Oh Fransson! patterns (Mix Tape and Crazy 9 Lattice)

and the other is inspired by a quilt I saw on the blog called "the quilting diaries" (links later as I am posting this from my iphone).

I also have 2 birthday parties I'm planning this week, the regular new fall schedule for the kids and visitations with many social workers, etc. A lot on my plate, but I am sure you've got a lot on yours too. Here's my question for you...


  1. Hey girl! LOVE your quilts! I wish I were quilting with you. :D

    What am I doing for me? Not a lot lately; I need to do more. That is a good reminder. xo

  2. At least you have air conditioning. Thought of you as it reached over 100 yesterday. Blech!

    For me? Well, my birthday is in September alongside a couple of other girlfriends, so we're heading to some shopping mecca's in Orange County this Friday. A girls day out!

  3. Hey Libby! I LOVE your quilts too and always get inspired by your never ending amount of energy and commitment to your craft.
    Exactly! What am I doing for me right now?! Not enough... I almost stopped in for a walk in shoulder massage but decided to just go home instead. Next time I think I will take the splurge! Good reminder. Hugs to you and all!

  4. Your quilt looks great! I love seeing it in the different colorway. I've wanted to try it in something other than the browns but haven't had the time yet - so I love seeing yours!

  5. Thank you, amy!
    I was concerned how it would look like with a solid white and a pattern, because I love the strong duality of your original quilt, but I was committed to using the same scraps up.
    For my big one, I'd like to do red and chocolate brown... My fave color combination...
