
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mimi sews a quilt

This is something I didn't imagine happening for a while, but Mimi and I finished her very first quilt last night. She picked the fabrics, helped me cut them out...

She took the cute picture of the squares lined up on the floor in her design layout - and we used that as a tool to refer to for layout as she (with NO help other than a watchful eye) sewed the entire quilt top.
I appliqued the owl she requested, and I also did the binding (with her breathing down my neck)... But she even helped tie the quilt by hand sewing.
I'm seriously impressed that she can say she made a quilt almost entirely with her own skills before she was even six years old.
To understand the process though, you have to know that we literally made this in 10 and 15 minute increments over about 6 weeks. She sewed only one square to another as an evening's activity. When you think of it that way, it's not too inconceivable.
Still, mad props to the crazy little Design Director. Not a bad summer project!

1 comment:

  1. Not a bad summer project, indeed. :) My oldest (2) always wants to help me sew, so I know she'll be interested when she gets a bit older, and this gives me a little idea of when to start working with her!
    Awesome job, Mom!
