
Monday, June 29, 2009

Treasures inside

I received this box today. I haven't opened it yet because it is so beautiful that I could cry... It came in the mail. (I LOVE MAIL!!!) from my special pal, Anita, one of the best gift givers I have ever met. I'm sure I will love what is inside, but the joy of the gift itself is stalling me. I've never done this in my whole life... J is the one who savors things for the sheer joy of savoring. Is it my
Italian experience that taught me to savor? Like the wine? Or the sunsets on romantic bridges? Or was it the Arizona skies and the cooling evenings after long days in the pool? I don't know, but I'm savoring tonight. And it feels so good.
(thank you, Anita!)

1 comment:

  1. Love savoring... I don't see it here much. Everything is rush rush but if there is anything of Europe left in me it is the simple little luxuries like savoring a good cup of coffee at a little side walk Caffee or a nice walk on the beach or a good glass of wine or cuddling with E while he drinks his milk bottle before I tuck him in bed(he's already so idependant and full of energy that this is the only time he'll sit still.
    Anyway enjoy savoring my dear friend :)
