
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sewing Seeds

Tonight's project is a little sewing for a great project... called Sewing Seeds. June 29th is the deadline - and a collection of handmade shorts (for boys) and skirts (for girls) is being taken to Costa Rica for children in extreme poverty. read about it here. and also here.
Last time 118 handmade articles were collected and I can't say how much I love the idea of children in poverty stricken situations running around in clothes made with as much love and heart as my own children wear.
There are bunches of tutorials listed on the second site - check them out. The Lazy Days skirt is a standby around here and I'll be making a few of those tonight. (they take about 1/2 hour each!)

I'm really thinking seriously about hosting a Sewing Seeds party - to see what we can do as a group to get as many items made in one night as possible. Anyone local interested? (It would have to be within the next week.)


  1. well even though my sewing is still laughable, I would love to help if possible

  2. Me too. I'm in. :)

  3. Yeah! That's the Spirit!

    Bless you for be such givers. There are many children in Costa Rica who will be BLESSED!

    big hug;
    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  4. Oh Libby (and friends)

    Your parcel made me cry.

    What a loving gift for the wee ones of Costa Rica! I love all your beautiful handmade shorts and skirts! What a blessing you are. I only wish you were close enough that we could be face to face friends. How I'd love a sewing friend. ;-)

    bless you Libby and friends. And I KNOW that that fabric is to be a special blessing to someone. Can't wait to see who. ;-)

    Thank you too for the notecards for Bella and I...we love them.

    (a real thanks is on the way).

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted
