
Monday, June 1, 2009

my "favorite" dinner: by Victory

I decided today, to share my go-to meal. My 5-yr old made an “about my mom” book for me in kindergarten for mother’s day. It said my favorite food was “luznyo” (lasagna)– not because it is, but because I make it SO often. It is the one meal that I make that EVERYONE in my family eats. Even the baby now. Yippee!! Isn’t that a great feeling – to only make one meal that feeds 5 hungry people (3 of them under 6-yrs old!) with minimal complaining!

This is also a great one to make in a foil tin, and bring to the newest mommies and daddies you know. I throw in a Caesar salad (with roasted corn for an extra yummy addition), some Italian soda. Mmm-mmm good.

Baked Rigatoni:

1 lb box rigatoni (or penne or farfale)

1 lb ground turkey (also fine with beef)

italian seasoning**

garlic salt**

1 26-oz jar spaghetti sauce

1 15-oz ricotta

1 cup mozzarella

1 egg

preheat 350 degrees

boil the pasta as directed. rinse.

brown the meat. add the sauce. simmer 5 minutes. (**I add some garlic salt and italian seasoning)

in large bowl, stir together the ricotta and egg. add the cooked noodles.

in 13x9, layer 1/2 of the meat mixture.

cover with all of the noodle mixture.

top with remaining 1/2 of meat.

sprinkle mozzarella cheese on top.

bake 25-30 minutes.



  1. that sounds so good, victory. we will definitely try your famous luznyo one of these nights. :)

  2. mmm sounds so yummy. Definitely going to make it soon. Haven't cooked in a while, with working full time and being full time mammy too but this one sounds not complicated to do. Thank you for sharing! I'll let you know how it turns out. :)
