
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sunset Shadows

Tonight's sunset had an orange glow (from the fires in Santa Barbara, presumably) that filtered into the house. I was mesmerized by it and the shadows that began playing on the walls.  It offered me the chance to take these magical photos.
(these photos have no filter, no photoshop, and hardly any cropping done.  They literally just happened...) They are already precious to me.
I feel like I am always trying to capture something like a shadow or impression that captures a self portrait kind of nature without being an obvious image of me (I believe I have mentioned I am a little camera shy)... and this fits the bill. The kids were having a lot of fun posing for them as well.  All we were missing was Jay, and yet, somehow there is a simplicity that I like in it. Perhaps with it just being momma and the kids at home... with our homemade curtains in the background, messy hair from the beach... it feels more intimate and peaceful. When Jay's around, the kids are simply so excited that we get few quiet moments like this.