
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Italian Dreams: by Tori Higa

I am thrilled to be guest blogging for Liberty, along with her sister, Victory, while she is on such an amazing vacation in Italy. I am so excited for my dear friend to be taking such a well deserved break (sans kids) with her sweet husband in one of the most romantic corners of the world. I can’t wait to see what inspiration she brings home with her.

I have always loved Italy. From an early age I was so fascinated with the culture for some reason. It wasn’t until I took a history class focusing on the renaissance at my community college that I really fell in love with Florence, Italy. From that point on, I had a strong desire to go there someday. So when I transferred to Pepperdine, I didn’t have to think twice about taking advantage of their oversees program. I loved everything about going to school at Pepperdine, but I can honestly say that the semester I spent in Florence was by far the best part of my entire college experience (not including meeting my husband of course!) There is just something about being there as a student and getting to live day to day life in such an inspiring city.

Liberty and I both did a study abroad program in Florence (studying art in SACI) – only at different times. We often look back and laugh at the fact that our paths “almost” crossed so many times in college. We knew who each other were (we even had a class together!), but it wasn’t until after we graduated and worked for the same company that we became friends – and now I couldn’t imagine NOT having her in my life!

So all of that to say, I am so excited to blog about a country that I love so much for my friend who I love even more. Victory and I will take turns posting every day while she is out of town, so stay tuned to see our Italian themed posts, inspirations, and musings.

(pictured above is a tiny sketch I did during my time in Florence in the interior of a leather journal made with fabriano paper for my now husband who still keeps it in his nightstand drawer)


  1. It's so wonderful that you both are blogging for Liberty in her absence. I enjoy reading and look forward to your postings everyday! : D They are so much fun and I realize now how much I miss Europe and my family. My sister has the wonderful opportunity to spend 3 months in Europe with my family. I haven't been there for a few years now and reading both of your posts make me wish I was there too with my family. I guess I miss them a lot. Thank you both for your wonderful posts!

  2. BTW I love your schetch too :)
