
Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Someday, definitely sooner than I hope, I will be cleaning up the house and I will NOT find little scraps of paper like this. Or books stapled together that say "A MOMM BOOOK" with images of little ice cream cones, princesses and snails. And that day, I will be glad I
blogged this. In the mess of my dining room table tonight, I found this. I love the Design Director. And I love her artwork.


  1. Congratulations on winning the Quilt Home giveaway. I know you must be excited as I won about a month ago and I was definitely excited!

    By the way, I am really loving that green and brown dress that you made in the previous post; it's beautiful! Keep up the great work!

  2. Just found you on QuiltHome site. I am 66 years old and have recently been going thru all the stuff my family (husband, 4 kids, plus a grandson) collected over 38 years in the same house. We were real packrats and it's SO hard deciding what to STILL hang on to and what to toss. I found the wraparound skirts I made when I was in high school or college in the late 50's/early 60's. Wonder what they're worth today. Since I saw your modern versions, I'd like to wear mine. Too bad my waist is too big now! Also, of course, I found all the artwork treasures of my children. Boy, do they bring back memories. Are you saying that you're tossing that wonderful cat picture or are you just filing it for future glimpses?

  3. thanks for the congrats, ladies!

    Kaye - thanks for the compliment on my dress. I am SO loving it. I used a NEW LOOK pattern for it, but I actually liked the spring top pattern that I used for my green Mother's Day shirt better - it's similar, fits better and can easily be adjusted to become a dress. I had to cut the dress down and fudge with it a lot to get it to fit as well as the green shirt fit immediately.... I highly recommend it!

    Suzy Q - I love that you have original skirts like Libby Dibby skirts. They are the best! If you look at my website on my skirts page, you can see the story of how I came across this amazing skirt... I love my vintage one.... still wear it and treasure it dearly. over 1000 skirts later, it has served me well!
    === and I have a little binder I save the best artwork in... but I scan in lots of these little scrappy drawings - in case I lose them someday... they're still around!
