
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New vintage pants for Mimi

The Design Director got these pants when she woke up this morning. Tori is moving across country and downsizing her vintage fabric stash, so we've been gifted with yards and yards of new inspiration... The Design Director loves yellow, and claimed this fabric instantly, so I was happy to oblige-complete with ric-rac trim. I love seeing her in this style.


  1. i love the pointed toe!

    i'd love a tutorial for those adult size too! =)

  2. that makes me so happy! i just knew that the vintage fabric would go to great use with you! that is the cutest picture...i just love that girl...

  3. ok allyzabba.
    i'll work on it.
    but first i owe everyone that tote bag tutorial that I have been promising!

  4. Sew cute! I love how wide and comfy they look. I know a few kids here that would love a dashing pair of jammies for spring...are you going to share your 'how to?'

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  5. kimmie. thanks for peeking in!
    okay- let me see what I can come up with for a tutorial. (I guess that would mean figuring out exactly what I did in the first place!)
