
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My first blouse... I actually followed a pattern!

The girl who can't follow instructions finally worked it out! I finished this blouse last night (had started it before we got sick) and I am proud to say it's my first time following a pattern from
start to finish... I like it. I'd seen the pattern sewn up on flickr and asked the seamstress where she got the pattern (Simplicity 3887)... Then bought some cheap fabric... Ahem. $1 a yard to practice on and here we go! I think next time I will make it a size smaller. Pattern sizes are so confusing!
However, I'm pleased, and this confirms my resolution that I will be sewing my own Easter dress next year. (Every Easter Sunday, I wake up, get the kids dressed in their new Easter clothes and then stand half dressed in front of my closet for half an hour trying to find something "springy". I tend to wear dark, vibrant colors like red, coral, grass green and brown.) This past Sunday I vowed I'd get good enough at sewing by next Easter to make my own dress from fabric by one of my many favorite designers... I'll likely shop at Quilt Home  or sew, mama, sew.
Zuma wanted to say hi this morning. She is shy about photos, but thought youd like to see her back and scooted into the shot at my feet.
And the skirt? I tried a quasi-version of the Oliver+S "Lazy Days" pattern- sized up for a momma, but it's not super flattering. I'm thinking it's a house skirt. (i.e. The pocket)
Oh, and not that you can see it here, but last night's other project was dyeing my hair all by myself. The color ended up darker than I want, so I will wait a few weeks and try again, but it went okay for my first try... (thanks AnnaKatherine, for helping me work up the nerve! I love bloggy friends)
Happy Tuesday!
(oh, and yes, it's even happier today... I've not mentioned it here, but my dad -who is a huge inspiration to me and the one who nicknamed me Libby Dibby... Has been fighting prostate cancer for the past 4 years. Last night he got news that confirms via bloodtest that his cancer is pretty much gone. Today is a great day.)

1 comment:

  1. Yea for good news regarding no cancer! Super cute top (as usual). I followed a very simple pattern for an indian costume but have never been brave enough to try an actual article of clothing for myself. You have inspired me. (also, as usual) :-)
