
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Couch Love

It's done! Couch #2 finally has happy patchworked cushion covers to match it's counterpart.
It was hanging over my head forever, and I am happy to say I am done. (My mom said, "well, now you can work on the main framework" NOT YET! I have to work up more nerve!)
Anyhow - these cushions turned out so much nicer than the first two. I'm really pleased.
I finished the final touches on them tonight while J was taking Zuma on a walk before bed. When he came in, he found me with his camera - attempting to get a decent photo. (not easy at night) He set me straight, helped me get these, which make me super happy and as we were messing with the flash, we started playing with his iPhone and got this last shot. (Ignore my hideous fleece pants, I love them)