
Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Birthday, Z.

We've been sick around here. Last night, I spent most of the night up in Z's high bed, trying to help him calm down from all the coughing - and it occured to me at 3am - that 3 years ago at that minute, Z was entering the world - fast and reckless already - so fast, that we were up in the middle of the night, concerned with his lungs not making the transition from fluid to air. The baby nurse was a man and as he did his best to get Z to breathe, he kept saying, "c'mon, BIG Z" and the first of many nicknames was born.
3 years later. Not easy years. Not comfortable years. 3 very loud and challenging years later, we have a boy of many names... a brilliant, charming MR. MAN who speaks, spells, writes and reads more words than we comprehend a 3 year old knowing.ZE ARTISTE, as I sometimes call him... singing in perfect tune, and dancing amazing renditions of things he's seen only 4x on tv - especially if it's High School Musical numbers with involving "Troy" and a form of sport.We have a MONKEY who cannot be tamed, climbs everything and hangs on momma and daddy in spite of his 40lb structure.
We have a LOVEY. Who snuggles best from 6am-7am - or as demonstrated last night while sick - even while sick, by kissing and hugging mommy and daddy each time he notices we're still there.
We have the DINOSAUR. Continually demonstrating the very foreign art of being a toddler boy - mixing aggression, hitting, growling and very sincere apologies within the span of a minute.
there are so many more... and yet they all fail to encapsulate the fullness of heart that we have when we look at our little boy.

Thank you, God, for the blessing, the challenge, the one who keeps us on our knees... our sweet Z.

(as you read this, picture me having had to get up with him multiple times to deal with coughing bouts - i.e. the reason for our cancelled birthday party last weekend... and say a prayer for some healthy days returning around here... we could use the rest)

1 comment:

  1. Goodness me he's a cutie! Hard to believe that's going to be me in three years. Wow, me, a mother??!
