
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Heart Day!

We have a little girl here who claims Valentine's Day is her favorite holiday... Which oddly, made the holiday take a turn around here to focus on her more than Mommy and Daddy. I spent last night up late at my sewing machine, making a shiny pink superheroine cape with a heart (reversing to her initial)... And of course, Ze Artiste needed one too. (will show those later)
She also "decided" about 6 weeks ago that we were spending V day in the snow, and since it was a good idea to us, we actually did go to the snow... (more about that later, too)
All in all, it was a fun day - not so romantic other than a few stolen kisses, but we have our sitter lined up for Monday night instead...
I hope you and yours found a way to celebrate love today... I hope you have gotten lots of snuggles and kind words today.... And let me take this chance to give you some of my own.
Thank you, for being a reader of my humble little blog... It's not the fanciest out there, it's written on the run... In my car as I wait for appointments, from random coffee shops, and at the side of many playgrounds... But it is from my heart, and I love that I have friends with whom to share my happy little inspirations and projects. When I finish projects, I often can't wait to post them... And I know I've promised a bunch of tutorials, I'm still hoping to get better at that
in 2009 (figuring how to post them!)... But please know, in the most appropriate way for me to say... I love you!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Oh, and pictured here... The Design Director's new cape, a happy felt heart and another of my friend (and previous Milliken design mentor) Holly's sweet holiday collage ornaments...

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