
Friday, February 27, 2009

Happy Birthday to me! (giveaway)

I won't really have a birthday this year (I'm a Leap Year baby), so the weekend becomes a celebration of it's own type... still, that doesn't mean that we can't have a party on the blog...
You're Invited!

a happy, lovely tea cosy... oh, and other fun goodies, too.

I've been making new notecards and other fun stuff...

do tell me your favorite birthday memory...


  1. It was the year of the double digits!! 10 years old! I got to invite 10 of my favorite buddies to a cool park in Daytona Beach for a day of exploring, running away from the boy with 'cooties', and me, being adventurous in the water you weren't supposed to go in. So I'm looking for manatees in the water when I take a step and my whole party takes a turn as I'm in the worse pain I've ever felt! I had stepped on a bed of oysters. (Or an oyster bit me is how I would tell the story at 10) Mom and Dad wrap up my foot and we go home. Party is over. (It's a good thing we already did presents) As soon as the word 'stirches' was mentioned I pulled out my best serious face to pretend like everything was fine, but it didn't work. 6 stitches in my toe later, I still got to go on my class field trip to the zoo the next day!

  2. Happy birthday!

    My favourite birthday memory was my eleventh birthday, I think. We were looking for agates in a cutbank and ended up having a picnic in the ditch beside the highway.

  3. I would have to say my most memorable was the year I turned 4 (I do remember it believe it or not). I had only been living with my "new parents" for a few months, and it was the first birthday party I had ever had. We went to the local park, and I got my very first birthday cake! Cookie Monster! And I got to eat the cookie! If I had to guess, you, and your family were probably in attendance. Happy Birthday to you!

  4. Happy Birthday Liberty! And since it's a red tea cosy, I need it for my kitchen. Anyways...

    I've had many an excellent birthday. In the third or fourth grade I had a sleepover and my gift was a cocker spaniel puppy which was awesome. My 25th birthday some friends put together a sit-down fancy dinner and folks dressed up and it was lovely. And then when I turned 30 there was an insane party with like 80 people and everyone wore red. Good times, each and every one of them.

  5. My favorite birthday memory was when I was about 10 years old. My parents had divorced by then but it was still pretty akward to be around friends that we had "pre-divorce"...On this special birthday I had my very first slumber party and it included new friends that I had met BUT also two very best friends of mine from years before. We had a BLAST! We were having so much fun that the erth actually shook...literally!!! It was the first earthquake that most of us had experienced (or at least that we had thought) and we stayed up into the wee hours of the night laughing, giggling, telling spooky stories and all the other goofy things little girls enjoy! I LOVED every moment of that birthday and I felt so cool having two different groups of friends together on one special occasion. I remember particular gift quite well and it was a shoe box filled ENTIRELY with CANDY! It was better than a night of trick-or-treating!!!

    Happy Birthday to you Ms. Liberty!


  6. First of all ... Happy Birthday Miss Leap Year ... I think it's sooo cool that YOU were born on February 29th. Now my favorite and best birthday memory was when I turned 27 and gave birth to my daughter, Jeni, who's arrival date was March 31 ... I had her completely natural ... all 9 pounds, 14 ounces ... and loved that she waited to present herself on my birthday. That was the best! But now that we have shared many birthdays together our favorite thing to do is go to Disneyland on our very b-day.

  7. I am still waiting for my favorite birthday memory! My birthday happens to fall just a few days after Christmas and it ALWAYS gets lost in the shuffle of the holidays. Some day.... Happy Birthday to you! Hope this year is the best memory of all.
