
Monday, July 7, 2008

Scrap skirt Project #1

Well, the skirt is actually attempt #3... (But who is counting?
Besides me.)
Attempt #1 was a mommy sized one that will make an appearance, but it
is definitely a first attempt. (it was a little too "spinny" for my
taste, but someone else thought it was just right and requested one of
her own)
Attempt #2 was for the Design Director, but I told J that she would
look at it and deem it "not spinny enough". I was right. To her
credit, she was so grateful and tried bravely to be sweet in her
disappointment, but it was apparent that she found it greatly lacking
Enter Attempt #3... Of which I am quite proud and the Design Director
has stated that she wants to "wear it everyday."


  1. so cute! Interested in posting a tutorial? =)

  2. super cute!! you did a great job!

  3. wow... um. I'm honored. I can try, though I am normally terrible at that stuff. I don't measure or anything.

    I'll give one hint, though... ahead of time...
    my hubby's aunt shared a great tip on gathers - instead of basting stitches, which always break - use fishing line. AHA!

    I'll see what I can do for ya.

  4. cute cute cute! I would be forever grateful if you posted a tutorial :)

  5. Tutorial? Just make some more and start selling them! I don't have time to sew anymore.

  6. no tutorial for me either, just sell them in the same material as your grown-up wrap skirts, please - I'm desiring to dress my daughter and I the same for pictures

  7. i have a confession to make here...
    1 - i wrote up the cutest tutorial on how to make these, but I have no idea how to post a pdf file onto my blog. I wanted to make it something you could download...
    2 - I washed Miss M's skirt (stupidly) and dried it - and it did not fare well. to make matters worse, I washed with a new red skirt from India... (BIG MISTAKE) and now it's a pinkish, faded, shredded skirt that I had to spend fixing the other night. I'm glad I got photos of it, beforehand.

    anyhow - the end result is that I have ideas as to how I can make this skirt better - and have begun work on some other little girl skirts, but they're not finished yet.

    oh - and I think I'd have to charge $50 for the little girl skirts - are you all really game for that? (they just take so long to make)

    - i'll likely also attempt an a-line, or something simpler for the little gals... we'll see...
