
Monday, February 16, 2009

Snow Day - Love Day

We spent Valentines' Day in the snow.
It was technically one of those days where J could have surfed in the morning and gone sledding in the afternoon, and it was such a great day that he spoke about wishing how he could do that someday.  
Mimi was unbelievably happy in the snow. She didn't even notice how cold she was and we had to drag her to the car. Last year, when we went,  my next door neighbor suggested bringing a thermos of hot water for hot cocoa in the car - that's our new favorite item to bring along.
What a fun time we had. 
Though I don't love LA - there are days and moments where I feel grateful for certain aspects of it... and driving an hour to the snow was one of those sweet times.

Inspiration a la H.D. Buttercup

The other day, after getting my haircut, I figured I'd use the last hour of my child-free time to go through H.D. Buttercup (which I'd heard about, and driven past hundreds of times) - for some inspiration. What a great place for eye candy. They've taken the old Helms Bakery in Culver City and used the rambling space for stacking stores and showrooms of amazing furniture and furnishings. Lovely stuff. It felt like the combination of an antique store, shopping along La Brea (north of Wilshire Blvd - in LA, about 10 minutes from home), and an art gallery.  If only I'd been actually looking for furniture... but maybe the beauty was that I wasn't. And the result really was pure and simple inspiration.

You can see that I still love patchwork couches of all kinds... like the one I covered. What I found so elegant and palatable about this one was its worn grey denim with intricate hand stitched patches in the same color. I'm so loving the worn, loved look these days.