
Thursday, March 20, 2008

The latest fixation

My new love are hooks. I have about five or six on my bedroom wall
now for holding necklaces and headbands that were otherwise cluttering
my dresser.
This is me, mid-process, at anthropologie, trying to decide which to
I didn't get any of these! But I did get the awesome timer.

I have the coolest friends (nichole shinners)

My friend, Nichole, who really helped me get my act together on the
skirts, refining my patterns and helping me with my dohippy bag design
(especially)... Is not just good for advice. She makes the most lovely
little girl dresses. This was Miss M's Easter dress last year and
remains one of her favorites to date. We were able to pick out the
fabrics and everything.... I bought it big so it would still fit this
year. It's a lot shorter, but it still looks great.

Going vintage

I never used to love stuff that was old or vintage, but my appreciation is starting to go in more directions than just clothing and textiles.
I bought this vintage tablecloth on ebay recently. And now that my friends know I am starting to like depression glass, etc... I'm getting more and more pieces. (I particularly am eyeing some "ruby glass" pieces on ebay and
I guess I always thought this stuff was for grandmothers, but I guess someday I will be one... May as well start now, since the stuff is so pretty.
I also swore I would never own a cake plate. "I'm not that kind of a girl" ... But I asked for and received the stacking set below for Christmas this year and I have had so much fun with them already.
I guess my taste is finally catching up with my "old soul" -as people call it.